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[RFR] man://shadow/chfn.1

Voici un début.

Je join le fichier po et un diff que je compte demander à appliquer sur
la VO (correction du groff pour po4a, correction du groff pour un
meilleur formatage, uniformisation du commentaire associé à login.defs)

Merci d'avance,
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shadow_4.0.3-30\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-16 23:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-17 00:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nicolas Fran�s <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian French Team <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# type: TH
#: C_only/chfn.1:28
#, no-wrap
msgid "CHFN"
msgstr "CHFN"

# type: SH
#: C_only/chfn.1:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NOM"

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:31
msgid "chfn \\- change real user name and information"
msgstr ""
"chfn \\- modifie le nom complet et les informations associ��n utilisateur"

# type: SH
#: C_only/chfn.1:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "SYNOPSIS"

# type: TP
#: C_only/chfn.1:32
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<chfn>"
msgstr "B<chfn>"

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:35
msgid "[B<-f> I<full_name>] [B<-r> I<room_no>]"
msgstr "[B<\\-f> I<nom_complet>] [B<\\-r> I<no_bureau>]"

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:38
msgid "[B<-w> I<work_ph>] [B<-h> I<home_ph>] [B<-o> I<other>] [I<user>]"
msgstr ""
"[B<\\-w> I<tel_bureau>] [B<\\-h> I<tel_perso>] [B<\\-o> I<autre>] "

# type: SH
#: C_only/chfn.1:38
#, no-wrap

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:49
msgid ""
"B<chfn> changes user fullname, office number, office extension, and home "
"phone number information for a user's account.  This information is "
"typically printed by B<finger>(1) and similiar programs.  A normal user may "
"only change the fields for her own account, subject to the restrictions in /"
"etc/login.defs.  (The default configuration is to prevent users from "
"changing their fullname.)  The super user may change any field for any "
"account.  Additionally, only the super user may use the B<-o> option to "
"change the undefined portions of the GECOS field."
msgstr ""
"B<chfn> modifie le nom complet d'un utilisateur, son num� de bureau, son "
"num� de t�phone professionnel, et son num� de t�phone personnel. Ces "
"informations sont g�ralement affich� par B<finger>(1) ou d'autres "
"programmes similaires. Un utilisateur normal ne peut modifier que les "
"informations associ� �on propre compte, avec les restrictions sp�fi� "
"dans /etc/login.defs. (Par d�ut, les utilisateurs ne peuvent pas modifier "
"leur nom complet.) Le super-utilisateur peut modifier n'importe quel champ "
"pour n'importe quel compte. De plus, seul le super-utilisateur peut utiliser "
"l'option B<\\-o> pour modifier les parties non sp�fi� du champ GECOS."

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:52
msgid ""
"The only restriction placed on the contents of the fields is that no control "
"characters may be present, nor any of comma, colon, or equal sign."
msgstr ""
"La seule restriction pour le contenu des champs est qu'ils ne doivent "
"contenir aucun caract� de cont� ni aucune virgule, deux points ou signe "

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:61
msgid ""
"If none of the options are selected, B<chfn> operates in an interactive "
"fashion, prompting the user with the current values for all of the fields.  "
"Enter the new value to change the field, or leave the line blank to use the "
"current value.  The current value is displayed between a pair of B<[ ]> "
"marks.  Without options, chfn prompts for the current user account."
msgstr ""
"Si aucune option n'est s�ctionn� B<chfn> op� de fa� interactive, "
"demandant �'utilisateur d'entrer les nouvelles valeurs des champs ou de "
"laisser une ligne blanche pour utiliser la valeur courante. La valeur "
"courante est indiqu�entre crochets (B<[ ]>). En l'absence d'option, "
"B<chfn> op� sur l'utilisateur courant."

# type: SH
#: C_only/chfn.1:61
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr "FICHIERS"

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:63
#, fuzzy
msgid "/etc/passwd \\- user account information"
msgstr "/etc/passwd \\- informations sur les comptes des utilisateurs"

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:65
msgid "/etc/login.defs \\- shadow password suite configuration"
msgstr "/etc/login.defs \\- configuration de la suite shadow password"

# type: SH
#: C_only/chfn.1:65
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:67
msgid "B<passwd>(5)"
msgstr "B<passwd>(5)"

# type: SH
#: C_only/chfn.1:67
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTEUR"

# type: Plain text
#: C_only/chfn.1:68
msgid "Julianne Frances Haugh E<lt>jockgrrl@ix.netcom.comE<gt>"
msgstr "Julianne Frances Haugh E<lt>jockgrrl@ix.netcom.comE<gt>"
--- chfn.1.orig	2004-08-15 22:01:05.000000000 +0200
+++ chfn.1	2004-08-16 23:52:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
 .TP 5
-[\fB-f \fIfull_name\fR] [\fB-r \fIroom_no\fR]
+[\fB-f\fR \fIfull_name\fR] [\fB-r\fR \fIroom_no\fR]
-[\fB-w \fIwork_ph\fR] [\fB-h \fIhome_ph\fR] [\fB-o \fIother\fR]
+[\fB-w\fR \fIwork_ph\fR] [\fB-h\fR \fIhome_ph\fR] [\fB-o\fR \fIother\fR]
 \fBchfn\fR changes user fullname, office number, office extension, and home
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
 Without options, chfn prompts for the current user account.
 /etc/passwd \- user account information
-/etc/login.defs \- runtime configuragion
+/etc/login.defs \- shadow password suite configuration
 .BR passwd (5)

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