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[dico] internet, l'internet, Internet et plus si affinites


en americain branche, on dit maintenant "internet" sans adjectif ni
majuscule. Le magazine Wired (qui s'il connait en mouvance "branchouille
geek", tendance "Bay area") vient d'annoncer qu'il laissait tomber la


True believers are fond of capitalizing words, whether they be marketers or
political junkies or, in this case, techies. If It's Capitalized, It Must Be
Important. In German, where all nouns are capitalized, it makes sense. It
makes no sense in English.

Mais bon, je veux pas relancer ce debat qui n'avait pas abouti la derniere
fois, hein. ;)


Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
  -- Albert Einstein

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