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Re: Help wanted for template improvements [Bug#805455]

(Delayed by an ADSL outage)

Paul Gevers wrote:
>> It should at least be clear it's not talking about a DBMS package.
> /me likes delete. But maybe we can still use your earlier idea and be
> more explicit about that it is the database of the package:
> [..] Then it will ask if you want to delete the ${pkg} database and
>  revoke the standard privileges for the user of ${pkg}.

Replacing "purge the database and [...]".  Yes, that ought to be

> Would adding one short line to the purge/delete question help enough so
> that it is worth it?
>  If you no longer have need of the data being stored by ${pkg}, you
>  should choose this option. If you want to keep this data,
>  or if you would rather handle this process manually, you should
>  refuse this option. (Of course, t|Either way, t|T)his option doesn't
>  change your other databases.

Oh, and this is the shorter one to begin with, so we can afford a few
more words.  If it's

                       Either way, it won't affect your other databases.

then it isn't even an extra line.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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