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Re: FAQ.html and MANUAL.html, was Re: fwd: Re: Re: Please review changed man-file of w3m

It turns out I'm just about online enough for mail, thanks to
resumable screen sessions...

Markus.Hiereth@freenet.de wrote:
>> I can see in w3m's main.c there's an ADD_BOOKMARK function which calls
>> adBmark() which calls W3MBOOKMARK_CMDNAME (which holds the location of
>> the w3mbookmark executable).  And I see similar routines to invoke the
>> options panel and so on.  But I don't see any way of getting to
>> w3mhelperpanel...
> I don't not know whether it is helpful for You: In my installation w3m
> 0.5.3-8
> command BOOKMARK is apparently launched as
> GOTO file:///home/hiereth/.w3m/bookmark.htm
> command OPTIONS is apparenty executed as it is
> command HELP is apparently launched as
> GOTO file:///$LIB/w3mhelp.cgi?version=w3m%2F0.5.3%2Bcvs-1.1055&lang=en

Sure, but the reference to a "helper-app" isn't talking about that, as
far as I can see.

>>>   v    Toggle between HTML and rendered text
>> You mean "between (plain) text and rendered HTML"?  But I want to keep
>> the word "view" for mnemonic value.
> For me, HTML means the Hypertext Markup Language, i.e. the source data
> including the tags.

Indeed; HTML itself is a subtype of text.  But once you render that
markup, you get something else.

> These data processed by the browser which
> displays rendered text or rendered HTML. We have different points of
> view . Besides that, "view" is easily introduced again. Further
> possibilities:
> v    Toggle between plain and rendered HTML 
> v    Toggle viewing as plain or rendered HTML

This makes it sound as if w3m only deals with either "plain HTML" or
"rendered HTML", whereas in fact it also handles text that's just
plain plain.

Meanwhile, some notes:

When I finally get round to looking at README.func I'll need to bear
in mind that some of them are duplicates.  We already ran into
SEARCH and SEARCH_FORE; then I noticed that keymap.default sets "v"
as VIEW while keymap.lynx sets "\" as SOURCE - looking at the
DEFUNs in main.c, it turns out that those are synonyms too.


The docs seem to think that INTERRUPT aka SUSPEND means ^C
(explaining it as "stop loading"), but no, it's ^Z (send w3m to the

There needs to be a warning somewhere that a keymapping of

 keymap DEL EXIT

will associate the *backspace* key with the instant-quit function,
not the *delete* key - for DELETE mappings you (probably) need to say
"M-[3~ EXIT".  And if anybody does want to define a keymapping for
BCKSPC without it being so confusing, the alternative name for it is

Looking again at PIPE_BUF and co., and assuming the command used with
each is something like "df":

 PIPE_BUF	Claims to "Send rendered document to pipe"; in fact
		it shows the command's output in a new w3m buffer.

 PIPE_SHELL	"Execute shell command and browse"; a completely
		different function, but it's indistinguishable from
		the above (even the status line message is the same).

 EXEC_SHELL	"Execute shell command and load"; in fact suspends
		w3m, runs the command on the commandline (showing its
		output), prints "[Hit any key]", and resumes w3m on
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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