Re: Re: Please review changed man-file of w3m
Justin B Rye <> schrieb am 29. Oct 2014 um 16:52
> wrote:
> >> later that without an explicit argument or arguments it falls back on
> >> STDIN (though in fact, wait, it falls back on $WWW_HOME, and *then*
> >> STDIN).
> >
> > section SYNOPSIS is now cut back zu options and target
> >
> > I set WWW_HOME as a local variable in xterm. w3m ignores it.
> I was confusing the order there - it *is* arguments then STDIN then
> $WWW_HOME then error - but the variable should work.
> Maybe you didn't export it? "; w3m" wouldn't work,
> since it would only be visible to the shell, not programs started from
> the shell. What you need is "export; w3m" (or
> similar).
Yes, Having exported WWW_HOME, w3m behaved as You explained.
> >> It's optional for four-digit numbers but normal for five-digit ones.
> >> Some standards allow "10 000" for international compatibility - that's
> >> supposed to be a thin non-breaking space, but you could get away with
> >> a plain space.
> >
> > We should use a plain space.
> >
> > Correction: The German equivalent is not obligatory! Dots are
> > sometimes used, but more often, numbers appear in groups of three.
> Japanese, by the way, traditionally groups noughts in fours.
Facing such questions, I appreciate the usual treatment of numbers in
science where Giga, Kilo, micro, nano etc serve as killers for
I am about to send version _3 to the language team list. A diff won't
be very informative. Hope to get a good step ahead with it.
The subheadings in the section OPTIONS are suggestions, ideas,
attempts. I think, the chosen classification makes sense.
Best regards
W3M(1) W3M(1)
W3M - a text based web browser and pager
ww33mm [OPTIONS|... [ _f_i_l_e | _U_R_L ]...
_W_3_M has been developed as a text based web client. It displays HTML
documents stored local or on remote systems. It renders HTML tables and
frames. _W_3_M ignores JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets. It accepts
plain text from files or from standard input, serving as a "pager" in
much the same manner as "more" or "less".
W3M organizes content in buffers and tabs, allowing easy navigation
between. Having the extra package with w3m-img installed, W3M shows
graphics within a page or in a new buffer. Whenever W3M's capabilities
to render HTML do no meet your needs, the target URL can be handed over
to a graphic browser by a single command.
For help with runtime options, press _"_H_" while running WW33MM.
If given one argument or more arguments, W3M works like a browser. Hav-
ing recieved a URL, the respective content is worked out according to
the MIME type. With relative or absolute paths as argument, W3M relies
on filenames to display the content in an adequate manner.
With no argument, W3M expects data from STDIN. Input given by the user
may be necessary the control how these data processed further.
With no explicite targets and no stream of data from STDIN, W3M exits
with usage information.
Options are introduced with a dash and may take an argument
OOppttiioonnss ttoo sseelleecctt pprreeddeeffiinneedd ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss aanndd rreessoouurrcceess
--ccoonnffiigg _f_i_l_e
use file instead of the default configuration file ~/.w3m/config
--bbooookkmmaarrkk _f_i_l_e
specifies another bookmark file to be used
log headers of HTTP communication in file ~/.w3m/request.log
--ddeebbuugg DO NOT USE
--oo _o_p_t_i_o_n_=_v_a_l_u_e
modify one configuration item with an explicitely given value
TTuunniinngg WW33MM // OOppttiioonnss ttoo ttuunnee PPrrooggrraamm--UUsseerr--IInntteerraaccttiioonn // MMaann--MMaacchhiinnee--IInntteerr--
--ttiittllee use the buffer name as terminal title string.
use the buffer name as terminal title string. TERM style title
configuration is used
Implementation not verified
do not use mouse
--nnuumm display each line's number
--MM monochrome display
--WW toggle wrapping in searches
--XX do not initialize/deinitilize the terminal
Implementation not verified
--ppppcc _N width of N pixels per character. Range of 4.0 to 32.0, default
8.0. Larger values will make tables narrower.
Implementation not verified
--ppppll _N height of N pixels per line. Range of 4.0 to 64.0.
Implementation not verified
CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss ffoorr aa bbrroowwsseerr--lliikkee uussaaggee
--FF render frames
--NN distribute the contents passed with multiple command line argu-
ments to tabs. By default, a stack of buffers is used.
--ccooookkiiee, --nnoo--ccooookkiiee
accept and use cookies, neither accept nor use cookies
--ggrraapphh, --nnoo--ggrraapphh
use or do not use graphic characters for borders of frames and
do not use proxy
--44 IPv4 only (equivalent to -o dns_order=4)
--66 IPv6 only (equivalent to -o dns_order=6)
--mm Internet message mode
Implementation not verified
CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss ffoorr aa ppaaggeerr--lliikkee uussaaggee
--rr ignore underline or bolding markup constructions that use
backspace (e.g. in nroff)
--ss squeeze multiple blank lines into one
--tt _N set tab width to N columns. No effect on STDOUT
OOppttiioonnss ttoo ccoonnttrrooll ttrreeaattmmeenntt ooff ddaattaa iinnppuutt aanndd oouuttppuutt
--II _c_h_a_r_s_e_t
user defined character encoding of input data
--OO _c_h_a_r_s_e_t
user defined character encoding of output data
--TT _t_y_p_e
explicit characterization of input data by MIME type
CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss ffoorr aa ssppeecciiaall ssttaarrttuupp
--vv allow start with no defined input via STDIN, file or URL
--BB start with default bookmark file ~/.w3m/bookmark.html
show all available config options
--hheellpp show a summary of compiled-in and runtime options
show the version of WW33MM ()
OOppttiioonnss ffoorr iinnssttaanntt ddaattaa rreeqquueessttss
--dduummpp dump rendered page into STDOUT
dump the page's source code into STDOUT
dump response of a HEAD request for a URL into STDOUT
dump HEAD, and source code for a URL into STDOUT
dump HEAD, source code, and extra information for a URL into
MMiisscceelllleenneeoouuss ccoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss
++_N go to line N; only effective for N larger than the number of
lines in the terminal
--ccoollss _N
combined with -dump, HTML input is rendered to lines of N char-
acters. Affects only STDOUT
--ll _N number of lines preserved internally when recieving plain text
from STDIN (default 10 000)
--ppoosstt _f_i_l_e
use POST method with file content
Implementation not verified
--hheeaaddeerr _s_t_r_i_n_g
APPEND string to the HTTP(S) request. Expected to match the
header syntax Variable: Value
Pager-like usage of WW33MM | WW33MM as a text pager
Combine snippets of html code and preview the page
$ cat header.html footer.html | w3m -T text/html fP
Browser-like usage of WW33MM | WW33MM as an HTML renderer
Display web content in monochromous terminals
$ w3m -M
Display embedded graphics
w3m -o auto_image=TRUE
Filter-like usage of WW33MM
Convert an HTML file to a plain text file with a defined length of
$ w3m -dump -cols 40 foo.html >foo.txt
Convert an HTML to plain text and append the contained links
w3m -dump -o display_link_number=1 >
Conversion of file format and character encoding
$ cat foo.html | w3m -dump -T text/html -I EUC-JP -O UTF-8 >foo.txt
Special startups
Start with no input, suitable as predefined command to configure
in window manager menus w3m -v
Start with a preferred set of bookmark for special purposes
w3m -B -bookmark links-1.html
user defined configuration file, overrides $/etc/w3m/config
user defined key bindings; overrides default key bindings
user defined menu, overrides default menu
user defined mouse settings
cookie jar; written on exit, read on launch
browser history - visited files and URLs
password and username file
contains predefined values to fill recurrent HTML forms
external viewer configuration file
MIME types file
This is the WW33MM 0.5.3 Release.
README and example files are to be found in the doc directory of your
WW33MM installation. Recent information about WW33MM may be found on the
project's web pages at
WW33MM has incorporated code from several sources. Users have contributed
patches and suggestions over time.
Akinori ITO <>
4th Berkeley Distribution 2014-10-31 W3M(1)
< w3m - a text based Web browser and pager
> W3M - a text based web browser and pager
< ppaaggeerr mmooddee,, rreeaaddiinngg ffrroomm SSTTDDIINN
< ww33mm [-rM | -config _f_i_l_e | -I _c_h_a_r_s_e_t | -O _c_h_a_r_s_e_t ]
> ww33mm [OPTIONS|... [ _f_i_l_e | _U_R_L ]...
< bbrroowwsseerr mmooddee
< ww33mm [-t | -r | -B | -M | -N | -W | -X | -num | -graph | -cookie |
< -title | -reqlog ] _f_i_l_e | _U_R_L [...]
< ttaarrggeett aanndd ttrraannssffeerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn mmooddee
< ww33mm [-m | -dump_source | -dump_head | -dump_both | -dump_extra ] _U_R_L
> _W_3_M has been developed as a text based web client. It displays HTML
> documents stored local or on remote systems. It renders HTML tables and
> frames. _W_3_M ignores JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets. It accepts
> plain text from files or from standard input, serving as a "pager" in
> much the same manner as "more" or "less".
< ffiilltteerr mmooddee
< ww33mm [ -dump | -cols _N | -I _c_h_a_r_s_e_t | -O _c_h_a_r_s_e_t | -T _t_y_p_e ] [ _f_i_l_e |
< _U_R_L ]
< ssppeecciiaall ssttaarrttuuppss
< ww33mm [ -v | -B | -bookmark _f_i_l_e ]
> W3M organizes content in buffers and tabs, allowing easy navigation
> between. Having the extra package with w3m-img installed, W3M shows
> graphics within a page or in a new buffer. Whenever W3M's capabilities
> to render HTML do no meet your needs, the target URL can be handed over
> to a graphic browser by a single command.
< uussaaggee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
< ww33mm [ -o | -show-option | -help | -version ]
< _w_3_m has been developped as a text based web client. It displays HTML
< documents residing on a local and a remote system. It renders HTML
< tables and frames. _w_3_m ignores Java Script and Cascading Style Sheets.
< For plain text files, it can be used as a "pager" in much the same man-
< ner as "more" or "less".
> For help with runtime options, press _"_H_" while running WW33MM.
< At start up, ww33mm will load any local file or remote URL specified at
< the command line. For help with runtime options, press _"_H_" while run-
< ning ww33mm. Command line options are:
> If given one argument or more arguments, W3M works like a browser. Hav-
> ing recieved a URL, the respective content is worked out according to
> the MIME type. With relative or absolute paths as argument, W3M relies
> on filenames to display the content in an adequate manner.
< --tt _N set tab width to N columns
> With no argument, W3M expects data from STDIN. Input given by the user
> may be necessary the control how these data processed further.
< --rr ignore underline or bolding markup constructions that use
< backspace (e.g. in nroff)
< --ll _N preserve N lines of STDIN input (default 10000)
> With no explicite targets and no stream of data from STDIN, W3M exits
> with usage information.
< --II _c_h_a_r_s_e_t
< user defined character encoding of input data
< --OO _c_h_a_r_s_e_t
< user defined character encoding of output data
< --TT _t_y_p_e
< explicit characterization of input data by MIME type
> Options are introduced with a dash and may take an argument
< --BB starts with default bookmark file ~/.w3m/bookmark.html
> OOppttiioonnss ttoo sseelleecctt pprreeddeeffiinneedd ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss aanndd rreessoouurrcceess
> --ccoonnffiigg _f_i_l_e
> use file instead of the default configuration file ~/.w3m/config
< --vv allows start with no defined input via STDIN, file or URL
> --rreeqqlloogg
> log headers of HTTP communication in file ~/.w3m/request.log
< --FF render frames
> --ddeebbuugg DO NOT USE
< --NN distributes files or URL content to tabs. By default multiple
< targets are loaded in a stack of buffers.
> --oo _o_p_t_i_o_n_=_v_a_l_u_e
> modify one configuration item with an explicitely given value
< --MM monochrome display
> TTuunniinngg WW33MM // OOppttiioonnss ttoo ttuunnee PPrrooggrraamm--UUsseerr--IInntteerraaccttiioonn // MMaann--MMaacchhiinnee--IInntteerr--
> ffaaccee
> --ttiittllee use the buffer name as terminal title string.
> --ttiittllee==TTEERRMM
> use the buffer name as terminal title string. TERM style title
> configuration is used
> Implementation not verified
< ++_N go to line N, only effective for N larger than the number of
< lines in the terminal
< --mm Internet message mode
< --ggrraapphh use graphic characters for borders of frames and tables
< --nnoo--ggrraapphh
< do not use graphic characters for borders of frames and tables
< --SS squeeze multiple blank lines
> --MM monochrome display
< --ttiittllee use the buffer name as terminal title string. If TERM is speci-
< fied, TERM style title configuration is used
> Implementation not verified
< --ppppcc _N width of N pixels per character. Range of 4.0 to 32.0, default
> --ppppcc _N width of N pixels per character. Range of 4.0 to 32.0, default
> Implementation not verified
> Implementation not verified
< --dduummpp dump rendered page into STDOUT
< --dduummpp__ssoouurrccee
< dump the page's source code into STDOUT
< --dduummpp__hheeaadd
< dump response of a HEAD request for an URL into STDOUT
> CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss ffoorr aa bbrroowwsseerr--lliikkee uussaaggee
> --FF render frames
< --dduummpp__bbootthh
< dump HEAD and source code for an URL into STDOUT
> --NN distribute the contents passed with multiple command line argu-
> ments to tabs. By default, a stack of buffers is used.
< --dduummpp__eexxttrraa
< dump HEAD, source code and extra information for an URL into
> --ccooookkiiee, --nnoo--ccooookkiiee
> accept and use cookies, neither accept nor use cookies
< --ccoollss _N
< combined with -dump, HTML input is rendered to lines of N char-
< acters length
< --ppoosstt _f_i_l_e
< use POST method with file content
< --hheeaaddeerr _s_t_r_i_n_g
< insert string as a header
> --ggrraapphh, --nnoo--ggrraapphh
> use or do not use graphic characters for borders of frames and
> tables
< --ccooookkiiee
< accept and use cookies
> --mm Internet message mode
> Implementation not verified
< --nnoo--ccooookkiiee
< neither accept nor use cookies
> CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss ffoorr aa ppaaggeerr--lliikkee uussaaggee
> --rr ignore underline or bolding markup constructions that use
> backspace (e.g. in nroff)
< --sshhooww--ooppttiioonn
< show all available config options
> --ss squeeze multiple blank lines into one
< --ccoonnffiigg _f_i_l_e
< use file instead of the default configuration file ~/.w3m/config
> --tt _N set tab width to N columns. No effect on STDOUT
< --oo _o_p_t_i_o_n_=_v_a_l_u_e
< assign value to config option
> OOppttiioonnss ttoo ccoonnttrrooll ttrreeaattmmeenntt ooff ddaattaa iinnppuutt aanndd oouuttppuutt
> --II _c_h_a_r_s_e_t
> user defined character encoding of input data
> --OO _c_h_a_r_s_e_t
> user defined character encoding of output data
> --TT _t_y_p_e
> explicit characterization of input data by MIME type
> CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss ffoorr aa ssppeecciiaall ssttaarrttuupp
> --vv allow start with no defined input via STDIN, file or URL
> --BB start with default bookmark file ~/.w3m/bookmark.html
> --sshhooww--ooppttiioonn
> show all available config options
< show the version of ww33mm
> show the version of WW33MM ()
< --rreeqqlloogg
< log headers of HTTP communication in file ~/.w3m/request.log
> OOppttiioonnss ffoorr iinnssttaanntt ddaattaa rreeqquueessttss
> --dduummpp dump rendered page into STDOUT
< --ddeebbuugg DO NOT USE
> --dduummpp__ssoouurrccee
> dump the page's source code into STDOUT
> --dduummpp__hheeaadd
> dump response of a HEAD request for a URL into STDOUT
> --dduummpp__bbootthh
> dump HEAD, and source code for a URL into STDOUT
> --dduummpp__eexxttrraa
> dump HEAD, source code, and extra information for a URL into
> MMiisscceelllleenneeoouuss ccoommmmaanndd lliinnee ooppttiioonnss
> ++_N go to line N; only effective for N larger than the number of
> lines in the terminal
> --ccoollss _N
> combined with -dump, HTML input is rendered to lines of N char-
> acters. Affects only STDOUT
> --ll _N number of lines preserved internally when recieving plain text
> from STDIN (default 10 000)
> --ppoosstt _f_i_l_e
> use POST method with file content
> Implementation not verified
> --hheeaaddeerr _s_t_r_i_n_g
> APPEND string to the HTTP(S) request. Expected to match the
> header syntax Variable: Value
< ww33mm as a pager
< $ ls | w3m
> Pager-like usage of WW33MM | WW33MM as a text pager
> Combine snippets of html code and preview the page
> $ cat header.html footer.html | w3m -T text/html fP
> Browser-like usage of WW33MM | WW33MM as an HTML renderer
> Display web content in monochromous terminals
> $ w3m -M
> Display embedded graphics
> w3m -o auto_image=TRUE
> Filter-like usage of WW33MM
> Convert an HTML file to a plain text file with a defined length of
> lines
> $ w3m -dump -cols 40 foo.html >foo.txt
> Convert an HTML to plain text and append the contained links
> w3m -dump -o display_link_number=1 >
> index.txt
> Conversion of file format and character encoding
> $ cat foo.html | w3m -dump -T text/html -I EUC-JP -O UTF-8 >foo.txt
> Special startups
> Start with no input, suitable as predefined command to configure
> in window manager menus w3m -v
> Start with a preferred set of bookmark for special purposes
> w3m -B -bookmark links-1.html
< HTML files displayed by ww33mm
< $ w3m foo.html |
< $ cat foo.html | w3m -T text/html
< Conversion of HTML content by ww33mm
< $ cat foo.html | w3m -dump -T text/html >foo.txt
< $~/.w3m/config
> ~/.w3m/config
< $~/.w3m/keymap
> ~/.w3m/keymap
< $~/.w3m/menu
> ~/.w3m/menu
< $~/.w3m/mouse
> ~/.w3m/mouse
< $~/.w3m/cookie
> ~/.w3m/cookie
< $~/.w3m/history
> ~/.w3m/history
< $~/.w3m/passwd
> ~/.w3m/passwd
< $~/.w3m/pre_form
< contains predefined values to fill recurrent HTML forms with
> ~/.w3m/pre_form
> contains predefined values to fill recurrent HTML forms
< $~/.w3m/mailcap
> ~/.w3m/mailcap
< $~/.w3m/mime.types
> ~/.w3m/mime.types
< This is the ww33mm 0.5.3 Release.
> This is the WW33MM 0.5.3 Release.
< README and example files are to be found in the doc directory of Your
< ww33mm installation. Recent information about ww33mm may be found in Japanese
< or English on the project's web pages at
> README and example files are to be found in the doc directory of your
> WW33MM installation. Recent information about WW33MM may be found on the
> project's web pages at
< ww33mm has incorporated code from several sources. Users have contributed
> WW33MM has incorporated code from several sources. Users have contributed
< 4th Berkeley Distribution 2014-10-26 W3M(1)
> 4th Berkeley Distribution 2014-10-31 W3M(1)
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