Re: w3m man file : option -m, document encoding
to continue a batch of mails
Justin B Rye schrieb am 29. Oct 2014 um 12:36
> Sorry about the out-of-sequence replies; Gmail decided this one was
> spam for some reason...
No problem. I am at the edge of loosing control of the
correspondence. Hoping that nothing gets lost.
> > Justin B Rye schrieb am 28. Oct 2014 um 15:47
> [...]
> >> w3m -m nntp://
> >>
> >> It works! But I have no idea why anyone would want to do this; it
> >> isn't threaded, it doesn't support marking messages as "seen" (let
> >> alone spam-scoring), and the message numbers don't correspond to
> >> anything useful.
> >
> > Apparently, we have two different versions of w3m. I get an error message:
> >
> > hiereth@lune:/tmp$ w3m -m nntp://
> > w3m: Can't load nntp://
> >
> > Or is it necessary to open a special port for nntp communication?
> The server only allows connections from *
> accounts. There are open-access ones, but most of them require at
> least a registration.
> > Version and system information here:
> >
> > 3$ w3m -version
> > w3m version w3m/0.5.3+cvs-1.1055, options
> > lang=en,m17n,image,color,ansi-color,mouse,gpm,menu,cookie,ssl,ssl-verify,
> > external-uri-loader,w3mmailer,nntp,gopher,ipv6,alarm,mark,migemo
> ^^^^
> So it should work if you can find a server! Try
> w3m -m nntp://
This server served.
> > Package: w3m
> > Version: 0.5.3-8
> >
> > Debian Release: 7.6
> You are in fact slightly out of date - 7.7 was released on the 18th,
> but w3m hasn't needed a stable update since I-don't-know-when.
> > APT prefers stable
> > APT policy: (500, 'stable')
> I also have stable-updates listed here.
I know that the best-before date vor 7.6 is already over. But I am
reluctant with new versions. Really would prefer to upgrade only from
7 to 8.
> > Architecture: i386 (i686)
> >
> > Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-4-486
> Not 3.2.0-4-686-pae? I've still got one remaining twentieth century
> machine in service (with dual 450MHz Intel Pentium II Xeon CPUs), and
> even that can run the -686-pae flavour...
OK. If you want to motivate me to replace or to install 686-pae as
extra kernel. pass a link what improvements can be expected.
> > Locale: LANG=de_DE, LC_CTYPE=de_DE (charmap=ISO-8859-1)
> And I thought I was being slow when I switched over from ISO-8859-15
> to UTF-8 in Etch (Debian 4.0)!
I know. I wanted to avoid having text files with two different
encodings in my archive. Searching for keywords with German "Umlaute"
äüöÖÄÜ would get more complicated.
> > Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
> >
> > Versions of packages w3m depends on:
> > ii libc6 2.13-38+deb7u2
> Update available: 2.13-38+deb7u6
> > ii libgc1c2 1:7.1-9.1
> > ii libgpm2 1.20.4-6
> > ii libssl1.0.0 1.0.1e-2+deb7u11
> Update available: 1.0.1e-2+deb7u13
> > ii libtinfo5 5.9-10
> > ii zlib1g 1:1.2.7.dfsg-13
> >
> > Versions of packages w3m recommends:
> > ii ca-certificates 20130119
> Update available: 20130119+deb7u1
> > Versions of packages w3m suggests:
> > ii man-db 2.6.2-1
> > pn menu <none>
> > pn migemo <none>
> > ii mime-support 3.52-1
> > pn w3m-el <none>
> > ii w3m-img 0.5.3-8
> >
> > -- no debconf information
> I recommend subscribing to and adding
> wheezy-updates in your APT sources.
I already thought about it. But with respect to w3m, it would change
nothing. Version 0.5.3-17 is part of "instable".
>>> I still don't see any sign of the -m making a difference, but I
>>> can imagine on a nineties Japanese newsgroup where different
>>> messages use a variety of different encodings signalled in the
>>> headers, the -m might have fixed problems that I would have
>>> trouble testing for. Except... if so, why not just make that
>>> mystery behaviour the default for nntp:// arguments?
>> All these questions favour a decision to omit -m in the OPTIONS
>> section and to mention it with the other dubious options only in the
>> NOTES section.
>> What freedoms are we allowed? All this work would justify that you
>> appear as author of the last version. I would take the honour of
>> introducing myself as author of the German version.
In version_3 you'll find remarks on options presently 'not
recommended' due to the danger of spoiling time.
> I still hadn't given up hope that we could come up with something we
> could plausibly send upstream, in which case I'd leave it up to them
> to decide what goes in the AUTHORS section.
Yesterday I got an answer of a former member of the project team,
Karsten Schoelzel. I would have appreciated his support, he could have
give me explanations in German. But he wrote I is to long ago that he
was busy with w3m.
>>> And what's the email version? Can w3m be compiled with IMAP support?
>> There is no string "IMAP" in w3m-0.5.3/configure.
>Nor indeed "POP3". But while I've got the sources unpacked... ah, -m
>seems to set "SearchHeader = search_header = TRUE;"... I can't follow
>how that's used, but it does seem to be about parsing message headers
>for encoding information.
Character encoding problems. They are an adequate punishment for users
that explicitly made their computer use ISO-8859-1. Like me :-) .
>>> JBR A long time ago this practice was followed, especially in the
>>> upper classes, but today even the children of the lower classes
>>> perform no executions, and this is extreme negligence.
>>> - "Hagakure", Yamamoto Tsunetomo (1716)
>> A strange idea about the things that children should do.
>It's a book of really bad advice.
Chaqun à son goût. Jeder nach seinem Geschmack.
To be continued
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