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Re: Bug#725851: [ITR] templates://fpc/{fp-compiler.templates.in}

Quoting Paul Gevers (elbrus@debian.org):

> Sorry Christian, I don't mean to criticize (lots of smiley's here), but
> from the point of view that this is about language I found it funny that
> you have what I believe is a typo in your template: "explicitely". I and
> my spelling checker might be wrong though, and I did understand the meaning.

:-). I absolutely (or should that be absolutly?) *didn't* get that...:)

Funnily (and not funniely), these templates are used for about 6 years
without nobody noticing, including our main reviewer.

I just corrected that now, in the template. Thank you for being more
awaken than me...;-)

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