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Re: Help for patent liability definition

Thomas Blein wrote:
> On debian-l10n-french we are translation the Patent FAQ into. However we
> have a small problem trying to translate "patent liability". Therefore I
> hope you will be able to help us to understand exactly "patent
> liability"
> * In "patent liability" does "patent" is the noun patent (what we are
>   talking about) or is the adjective with the meaning of obvious.
> * Can somebody give us a small and clear definition of this expression.
> * it will help us to find the correct translation.

It's "legal responsibility as regards patents" (the noun
interpretation).  When I look for a definition online the best one I
can find is... the one in http://www.debian.org/reports/patent-faq!

# Liability is a legal responsibility that is enforceable by a court. In
# this document we use term "patent liability" to encompass orders that
# a court can give if a party is found to infringe a patent. [...]

I suspect the equivalent in French law is something like
"responsibilité de brevets", though Google doesn't show me any very
convincing hits for that.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and no clue about French jurisprudence

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