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Re: Proposed new debconf template for docbookwiki

Quoting Jeremy Malcolm (Jeremy@Malcolm.id.au):

> > So I'd suggest getting rid of it entirely; if not, I'd recommend
> > backing it up with a mention in the docs (which would mean you could
> > reduce this message to a pointer); but just in case you don't take my
> > advice here's a review following our usual Smith Project styleguide.
> I'm happy to take your advice and drop the question.

Well, for once I'll advocate to keep the note. I'm generally not in
favor of debconf notes, for the reasons pointed by Justin.

However, here, the wording seem to suggest you're first testing
whether displaying the warning is relevant. *then only* you display
the note.

This is not necessarily Evil, indeed. What is Evil and kills kittens
are note that basically say "This package should be configured. Please
read README.Debian".

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