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Re: [RFR] templates://phpbb3/{templates}

Quoting Justin B Rye (jbr@edlug.org.uk):

> I see five "-l10n" packages in the archives and only one
> "-languages": lsb-languages, which I suspect means something
> different.  There are also nine "-locales" and, aha, sixteen
> "-i18n" packages including debconf-i18n, so maybe that's the
> emerging standard?

There are many more: just look for .*-l10n-.*

-l10n is the right name for localization packages, ie those that bring

-i18n has been misused in some cases when "l10n" should have been
used. Even for debconf, I'm afraid..:-)

> >>> Choices: apache2
> >> 
> >> Make that "__Choices:"
> > 
> > Didn't find what it means in debconf(7) or debconf-devel(7). After
> > testing, it seems that the debconf screen isn't shown, is it the goal?
> > Do you have any other doc to point me to?
> Oops, I don't think I meant to leave that in - it's backwards.  See
> Developer's Reference 6.5.2; it would only be sensible if the
> choices were translatable.

I actually like web server names to be translatable. For install it
helps me "translating" "apache2" to "Apache 2" in French.....which is
more end-user friendly.

For David:

"__Choices: foo, bar" allows "foo" and "bar" to be different strings
in translations. It avoids the string to become fuzzy when one choice
is added as choices are splitted in different strings.

It also avoids translators mistakes (forgotten commas...or using non
standard commas).

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