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[RFR] templates://phpbb3/{templates}

Le 17/03/2010 21:41, Justin B Rye a écrit :
> David Prévot wrote:
>> Before filing a request for review, I would appreciate some advice.
> Sorry, I haven;t tried to answer your questions, I'm just going to
> review the texts.

That's fine to me. Anyway, I'm asking "officially" a review now (please
correct me if I made a mistake in the title).

[lots of good advices and propositions in order to make the old control
file more compliant later, I took them all (or quite).]

> [...] except that it leaves out Sqlite (er, does Sqlite
> work?)

Sqlite support is being fixed.

>> Package: phpbb3-l10n
> If they're in .mo format, what's the connection to WordPress? 

It was a silly copy and paste mistake.

phpbb3-l10n is not yet in the archive, it used to be phpbb2-languages
back in Etch, is the name ok?

> This still seems strange.  Once you support apache2 and lighttpd,
> what happens if I select both but have neither installed?

The configuration will be (individually) skipped during postinst, but
maybe can I propose something smarter like testing if the web server is
[being] installed, and then propose different ${choices}?

Do you know some clever support for this sort of feature in any package
so I could learn from an existing one?

Anyway, the goal is to (silently) automatically configure the web server
(apache2 or lighttpd for the moment), and permit the admin who care for
medium priority question, to not automatically configure it.

>> Choices: apache2
> Make that "__Choices:"

Didn't find what it means in debconf(7) or debconf-devel(7). After
testing, it seems that the debconf screen isn't shown, is it the goal?
Do you have any other doc to point me to?

>>  Note: You will need to restart the server(s) yourself (typically by running
>>  something like  /etc/init.d/apache-??? reload).
> Oh, doesn't it do this?

It is a new feature: we just added a "reload" (safer than a "restart").

Hopefully a webapps-common à la dbconfig-common will one day propose a
uniform set for these questions and configurations...

Please find attached templates and control after a review from Justin
and advices from Christian (didn't get your French private mail by the
way, but thanks for the pointers, I guess I can try to deal with, and
will ask if there are too much problems).

> May I ask a review of README files too when they will be updated ?



Template: phpbb3/httpd
Type: multiselect
Choices: apache2, lighttpd
Default: apache2, lighttpd
_Description: Web server to configure automatically:
 phpBB can run on any web server supporting PHP, but those not listed
 cannot be configured automatically.
 Please select any web server that should be configured automatically
 for phpBB.
Source: phpbb3
Section: web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>
Uploaders: Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 6), po-debconf
Build-Depends-Indep: bzip2, sharutils, unzip
Standards-Version: 3.8.4
Homepage: http://www.phpbb.com
Vcs-Svn: http://svn.wolffelaar.nl/phpbb/trunk/phpbb3
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.wolffelaar.nl/wsvn/phpbb/trunk/phpbb3

Package: phpbb3
Architecture: all
Pre-Depends: php5-cli
Depends: libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-cgi | php5, php5-gd,
 php5-mysql | php5-pgsql | php5-sqlite | php5-odbc | php5-sybase,
 apache2 | httpd, dbconfig-common, ${misc:Depends},
 mysql-client | postgresql-client | sqlite
Recommends: exim4 | mail-transport-agent,
Suggests: phpbb3-l10n, mysql-server | postgresql
Description: full-featured, skinnable non-threaded web forum
 phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable
 bulletin board, with a user-friendly interface, simple and
 straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ. 
 It supports a choice of database back-ends.

Package: phpbb3-l10n
Architecture: all
Section: localization
Depends: phpbb3, ${misc:Depends}
Description: phpBB additional languages
 phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable
 bulletin board, with a user-friendly interface, simple and
 straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ. 
 This package contains phpBB language files

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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