Re: Counting the troops
Christian Perrier <> writes:
> Please followup to this mail and explain what yourself could
> participate in.
Like some others have responded, I consider myself available, but with
slow turnaround (on the order of days).
> It would be appreciated and I could then adapt the "noise" I'll do
> about the dle team work in other mailing lists, or blog posts.
I find that I generally skip messages with unintelligible subject
fields; many of these seem to be started by you.
[LCFC] templates://zabbix/{zabbix-agent.templates,zabbix-frontend-php.templ ates}
[LCFC] templates://netselect/{templates}
[TAF] templates://adjtimex/{templates}
These look like broken URLs in spam messages, more than human-written
messages. I presume they're meant to mean something to someone, but
they get scored quite low.
A suggestion for improvement: please adopt a form of subject that
helps the reader understand what the message is about without knowing
some obscure language.
\ “This sentence contradicts itself — no actually it doesn't.” |
`\ —Douglas Hofstadter |
_o__) |
Ben Finney
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