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Re: Description for pycha

OoO Lors  de la soirée naissante  du jeudi 03 janvier  2008, vers 18:57,
Justin B Rye <jbr@edlug.org.uk> disait:

>> Homepage: http://www.lorenzogil.com/projects/pycha/
>> Package: python-pycha

> The description makes it sound like an executable; I had to read the
> homepage to be sure it was a library.  (Not being a Pythonist I
> always expect those to have package names like "libfoo-lang".) 

Well,  I  think the  wording  "package"  is  quite familiar  for  Python
users. However,  looking at other  python packages, the wording  used is
more often "library". So, I keep your proposition.

> Wait, this is a *different* Python charting library from
> python-pychart?  Yes, clearly it is.

Yes,  it  is.  pychart  is  more  complete but  its  rendering  is  more

>> Description: simple python package for drawing charts using Cairo

>   Description: simple chart-drawing library

> It will after all have Cairo (libcairo2 or python-cairo?) in its
> dependencies and long description; Python also has a debtag and is 
> already signalled twice in the packagename!

Fine for me.

>> This Python package allows to draw variety of charts (pie, line, bar)
>> using Cairo as backend. Its goals are:

>    PyCha is a Python library for drawing a variety of charts (pie, line,
>    or bar) using Cairo as backend. It aims to be:

> Or if "pie, line, bar" is an incomplete list, that should be "(pie,
> line, bar, etc.)". 

For the moment, this is a complete list. In the SVN version, there is an
additional kind of chart.


If I summarize (again, spaces are not revelant):

Package: python-pycha
Description: simple chart-drawing library
 Pycha is a  Python library for drawing a variety  of charts (pie, line,
 or  bar)  using Cairo  as  backend. It  aims  to  be simple,  flexible,
 lightweight  and  attractive.  It   can't  draw  every  kind  of  chart
 imaginable but it does draw the commonest ones prettily.

Thanks for your feedback !
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