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Re: 3rd version of the project announcement

A couple of minor changes.  I don't think any of these are critical.
Now I'm off to work in the garden myself before the clouds close in:
someone appears to have stolen the Welsh hills already!

--- announce.txt.orig	2007-03-31 13:39:09.000000000 +0100
+++ announce.txt	2007-03-31 13:43:07.000000000 +0100
@@ -19,19 +19,19 @@
 Projects tasks and schedule
-The first task of the project began in early March 2007 and is aimed
+The first task of the project began in early March 2007. It aims
 to review debconf templates for packages that use debconf to interact
 with users.
 In short, the aim of this process is to review the debconf templates
 for packages that use them, based on their popcon score, and:
- review the debconf templates 
- update translations 
- get new translations 
+ review the debconf templates;
+ update translations; and
+ get new translations.
 The debian-l10n-english contributors are currently polishing the whole
-process and tools, while work already began on a few packages -
-either packages with the highest popcon score (kdebase, xorg,
+process and tools, while work already started on a few packages -
+either packages with the highest popcon scores (kdebase, xorg,
 cupsys...) or packages that recently introduced or modified their
 debconf templates (lwat, aiccu, dtc...).
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 Details of the process and maintainer interaction
 The reviews are intended primarily to check the spelling and grammar of
-the packages, but also to move towards a consistency in the style of
+the packages, but also to move towards consistency in the style of
 writing. Having a group of people who are unfamiliar with a package
 reading the texts can also help to flag up areas that are not
 particularly well-explained, or that could generate confusion. It is

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
Please follow http://www.uk.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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