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Re: Templates proofreading for webbase package

Quoting Hamish Moffatt (hamish@debian.org):

> These seem OK.

Thanks. Looks like my english is improving while I'm working for Debian.. :-)

> Why do you ask debconf questions about the index and cache directory?
> What percentage of users would want to change it - 0.1%, 1%, 10%?

Well, I agree with you, but in that case, I'm just preparing a NMU for
a currently orphaned package. My goal is just having :

- its current templates translated with good french (the former
templates were incompletely translated....and this translation did not
follow debian-l10n-french standrads)

-its original templates speaking better english (bad english templates
make packages look unprofessionnal, imho)

-close currently opened Important bug

Removing useless templates is outside the scope of such NMU, imho. I
leave this to the next maintainer, if the package is ever adopted (I
have no real interest in it....)

Christian Perrier
Debian geneweb and lifelines packages maintainer

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