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Dutch l10n team could benefit from a clarification of a debconf template entry

Dear Dovecot maintainers,

As a result of a discussion on the Dutch l10n mailing list,
it turned out that we seem to be unsure about how one 
should understand the word adapt in the following debconf 
template entry of Dovecot:
"If you choose not to create a certificate, please adapt 
Dovecot's configuration file (/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-

We would welcome a clarification because it looks as it 
will influence the wording of the Dutch translation.

Does "adapt" basically refers to pointing Dovecot to the 
path where it can found a valid certificate, so one could 
read the above entry e.g. as
"If you choose not to create a certificate, please adapt
Dovecot's configuration file (/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-
ssl.conf) such that the appropriate certificate can be 
or e.g. as
"If you choose not to create a certificate, please adapt 
Dovecot's configuration file (/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-
ssl.conf) and point it at the right certificate."

or does the wording of the translation also has to 
be able to reflect other kinds of adaptations such as 
e.g. running Dovecot without SSL-certification at all.

on behalf of Debian l10n Dutch
Frans Spiesschaert

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