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How to burn "myhome" into CD?

Is there a doc somewhere that explains how to take the 5.0.1 CD and configure the boot manager to auto boot with "myhome=/media/sda1 myconfig=/media/sda1"? If not, can someone walk me through the process?

I'm guessing the file that would need to be modified for this would be:

So, if that is correct, would the following isolinux.cfg work?

DEFAULT myLabelName
#Is the boot manager lilo? If so, I can get rid of "PROMPT 1", yes?
LABEL myLabelName
KERNEL linux
APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix myhome=/media/sda1 myconfig=/media/sda1

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