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Knoppix 6 ?

Hello Gilles, (from an other Gilles)

Knoppix is free to download, free to use, and free to customize (GPL).
It is (one of) the best live CD/DVD I tried and I like
to use Knoppix very often (besides various full Linux installs)

==> Thank you Klaus for such a nice piece of work ! <==

It would be good to remember that Klaus and a lot of other developers
and power users are working/contributing on Knoppix during their free
time besides their daily job and do not get paid for their
I also believe that it is already very impressive and amazing to get
such a great result/performance using only Open Source Software !

In my opinion, instead of expressing complains and signs of impatience
we should all be very thankful to Klaus and all the other
to not give up on free work and to still have plans on releasing
some time soon an other great release of the now very famous Knoppix.

My two cents,
Gilles van Ruymbeke


Given that there used to be a 0.0.1  release every second day, and 
that it's almost two months that 5.0.1 should have been released, I 
suppose the next release will be 6.

I mean, in five years from now, Klaus will be almost as late as 
Microsoft is with Vista! One really wonders what's going on. Maybe 
he's waiting for the release of the latest Kanotix so that people 
will say that Knoppix is Kanotix on steroids? :)


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