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Re: [debian-knoppix] So, Mr Knopper, are you or aren't you anti-Microsoft? (Was: Software patent?)


my second try in sending this thing :-)

this script erases /dev/hda, so be sure you know what you do, when you execute 
it. please read the sript to see the bad things it does ...

* it creates 2 partitions on /dev/hda, /dev/hda1 (root) and /dev/hda2 (swap).
* /dev/hda1 is ext2, lilo as bootmanger.
* whatever you enter at the bootpromt will end in /etc/lilo.conf, so if you 
enter 'knoppix 2', your hd-installation will boot to textmode.
* miniroot.gz is modified and ends in /boot/. you can securely remove the scsi 
stuff from /linuxrc (=add an empty script) if you don't need it.
* the installation behaves just like the cd: hardware detection, knoppix.sh, X 
installation ...

* /cdrom is just an ordenary directory. make a file /cdrom/KNOPPIX/knoppix.sh, 
and it will do just the same thing as if you burned it on cd. so if you save 
your configs to a disk, copy the disk to /cdrom/KNOPPIX/, then your 
customisations will be loaded automaticly.

bad things:
* /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession will always try to build the default desktop 
environment and /home/knoppix.

workaround and my way to add users:
* look at /etc/inittab: there you see that /etc/init.d/xsession (as root) 
starts /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc (as knoppix) that starts 
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession (as knoppix) that starts the window manager 
(as knoppix).

So, first customise the desktop as you like. when you're done, copy 
/kome/knoppix/ to /etc/skel/. This is our prepared skeleton home directory. 
Please change the password entry of knoppix in /etc/shadow to '!', so you 
can't use this account any more.

Now add/delete users as you like, use the usual tools - and take /etc/skel as 
the skeleton directory.

now there are 2 ways:
A) edit /etc/init.d/xsession: go to line 114, where it says:
	su -c "DISPLAY=:0 exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc" - $USER >/dev/null 2>&1

Change that to run XDM/KDM/GDM or what ever you like - that thingy should run 
as root ... it could likely be that you need to install KDM/XDM/GDM on your 
computer ... ;-)

B) change /etc/inittab to rin XDM/KDM/GDM ...

Well, now you're done. not so hard, is it?


Am Dienstag, 2. September 2003 23:42 schrieb Ramanan Selvaratnam:
> Hi Nickolaus,
> nikolaus klepp wrote:
> > [...] a system from USB-memorystick in ~ 5 minutes - plug it in,
> > power on, wait, power off, unplug it, ready. no user interaction. (ok, I
> > don't care what's on the hd, but it's fresh from factory). If somebody is
> > interested, I could post the script. If you add some kind of user
> > interaction - mainly select/create a partition - you're almost done.
> Interested.
> Could I have one of this please.
> Also I will be helping myself to a XSnow JS show for Christmas time :-)
> Maybe I could reorganise the code too.
> TIA,
> Best wishes,
> Ramanan


Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp
IT Consulting, EDV Service & Programmierung
Herakhstraße 20/25
A-4810 Gmunden
Tel.: +43 676 40 27 008
email: dr.klepp@gmx.at
www: www.klepp.info
UID: ATU51611304

Attachment: knoppix.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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