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Re: [debian-knoppix] Knoppix Persistent_home. What's the use?

On February 4, 2003 05:39 pm, Matthias Schwarze wrote:

Hi Matthias!

> > The problem is you can already save data to a hard drive with Knoppix. Of
> > course, you have to change the permissions on the drive manually, but I
> > suppose this could be "fixed" easily. I also suppose Knoppix recognizes
> > thumbdrives and pendrives? So what's the point of persistent_home?
> The point is, that this 1 file filesystem is automatically found and
> mounted under /home/knoppix. So your configuration is persistent without
> calling any further scripts. Hence the name "persistent home". Of
> course, you can save your stuff under /home/knoppix yourself to a hard
> drive and load it back manually - or you can write a script for that
> (and call it "persistent home" ;-))

Your other explanations are quite clear but this is the one point I don't 
understand. Let's see what has to be done "manually" as Knoppix stands, 
without persistent home. 

Say you want to write to the /home directory of your hard disk and hda6 is 
mounted as /home . You want to save directly to the /matthias/Desktop 
directory, without saving on Knoppix's ramdisk before.

You right click the icon /hda6 on Knoppix's Desktop. You check "exec" for user 
and uncheck "Read only" on the third tab.

Then, you move to / in the "save as" window of your application and save the 
file as /mnt/auto/hda6/matthias/Desktop/file.txt  

In other words, since this partition is normally mounted as /home, you just 
replace /home by /hda6. Normally, you could even just type the beginning of 
the path /mnt/auto/hda6 and click further on the directories in the "save as" 
window. So...

If all that is needed to write to a HD -- or thumbdrive? -- with Knoppix is 
click the icon on the desktop and set the permissions, then I suppose there 
could be an option at boot time to make the HD or thumbdrive writable. Don't 
you think?

I had a problem reading the files I had written (maybe all files, I didn't 
check) from Knoppix, but they were there in perfect shape when I booted back 
to Slackware. My version of Knoppix being that of Oct 31st, maybe this 
problem is fixed.

Whatever the case may be, it seems it wouldn't be a big problem having Knoppix 
save files to the HD. So why isn't there a boot option? Dunno. Maybe Klaus 
didn't want this option so people feel safer lending their computer? Would 
this setting be safe if you were saving files while surfing the internet? I 
don't understand why it should be less secure.

Is it worth developping a scrip separately when Knoppix can manage do the same 
thing? That was and still is my question.

Auf wiedersehen!

Gilles Pelletier
La Masse critique, update
Si nous ne nous réveillons pas, les sionistes auront notre peau!
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