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Re: [debian-knoppix] knx-hdinstall script

Hi Bill,

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 07:31:33 -0600, Bill Eastman wrote:

> Is there any chance of it being modified to format multiple hard drives? 

Not in the near future.

>  I have two hard drives, and want some partitions, such as /usr, /var on 
> the second hard drive.  I also would like to have multiple swap files, 

This would need enormous efforts to be put into the partitioning and
filesystem selection part of the script. Also the copying process must
be changed radically. A lot more sanity checks would be necessary too.

As I stated earlier on this list: The script was _never_ meant to be
a full-blown installer with partitioning wizard and all. It is just a
quick method to have a Debian system installed with most of the hardware
nicely preconfigured by the Knoppix hardware detection.

BTW, moving certain parts of the filesystem to separate partitions still
can be done after the install.

Christian Perle                                   perle@itm.tu-clausthal.de
Grunaer Str. 31                      http://www.itm.tu-clausthal.de/~perle/
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