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Additional IPv6 addresses on bond interface marked as dadfailed


after upgrading from squeeze to wheezy one of our servers has problems
with additional IPv6 addresses on a bond interface. Each IPv6 address
which is added is marked as dadfailed.

The behavior looks similar to this bug report:

My network configuration looks like this (reduced, there are multiple
VLAN interfaces on the bond):
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
    slaves eth0 eth1
    bond_mode 802.3ad

auto bond0.1010
iface bond0.1010 inet6 static
    address XXXXX::b:2
    netmask 64

If I try to add a additional address to bond0.1010 the following happens:
ip addr add XXXXX:100/64 dev bond0.1010
ip -6 addr show bond0.1010
7: bond0.1010@bond0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500
    inet6 XXXXX:100/64 scope global tentative dadfailed
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 XXXXX::b:2/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::XXXX/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

During the add command I see the following in tcpdump:
11:47:32.601411 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 4 group record(s), length 88
11:47:32.601522 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 4 group record(s), length 88
11:47:32.857288 IP6 :: > ff02::1:ff00:100: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation,
who has XXXXX:100, length 24
11:47:32.857442 IP6 :: > ff02::1:ff00:100: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation,
who has XXXXX:100, length 24
11:47:34.473288 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 4 group record(s), length 88
11:47:34.473444 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 4 group record(s), length 88

If I add the address when the second interface is down, everything works ok:
ip link set eth1 down
ip addr add XXXXX:100/64 dev bond0.1010
7: bond0.1010@bond0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500
    inet6 XXXXX:100/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 XXXXX::b:2/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::XXXX/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

With one interface down, I see the following packages in tcpdump when
adding the address:
11:48:00.749287 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 1 group record(s), length 28
11:48:02.405459 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 4 group record(s), length 88
11:48:03.177233 IP6 :: > ff02::1:ff00:100: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation,
who has XXXXX:100, length 24
11:48:04.185285 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 5 group record(s), length 108
11:48:06.749287 IP6 fe80::XXXX > ff02::16: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener
report v2, 1 group record(s), length 28

There is only one neighbor solicitation package instead the two above.

I'm not sure if this list is the correct destination for this issue, but
maybe someone could point me to the right list if not.


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