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Re: Question about Plasma 5.27.5 and Frameworks 5.106

yep. i was lucky indeed. Only i had to repair a SSL package. LibreOffice got upgraded but i was okay with that


Martin Steigerwald <martin@lichtvoll.de> schreef op 19 mei 2023 07:45:13 UTC:
Luc Castermans - 19.05.23, 09:38:23 CEST:
On one machine I performed a

apt upgrade -t experimental

Without limiting the set of packages to upgrade? If so, you likely have
installed all packages from experimental, possibly including some that
are really experimental. One may argue whether experimental is the right
place for bug fix updates during the release cycle, but it is used that
way. However outside of release cycle it is used for test versions of
software. So you may have installed all kinds of funny and really
unstable stuff on your system.

Don't do that!

I'd never ever do that. I posted the exact aptitude call for a reason.

However maybe I am going to refrain from posting the exact commands
again, so that people need to figure it out themselves and learn about
the possible consequences.

Anyway, you get you keep the pieces if anything breaks.

After which I needed to make few corrections on non-KDE related
packages. The machine is running fine!!

As far as you can see after just a few minutes.


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