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Re: Plasma 5.24 coming to unstable

Il giorno lun 28 feb 2022 alle ore 14:50 Miguel A. Vallejo <ea4eoz@gmail.com> ha scritto:
The question is:

Why is APT not smart enough to see that the proposed upgrade will fail?

It always starts to install packages and at some point fails because
some package needs another package with a specific version. Why does
it not detect these cases after starting upgrading packages? It knows
the versions available for every package so it should prevent these

Is it a bug or a missing APT feature?

I think the problem in which you incurred  is not related to an APT bug or (missing) feature but rather a packaging bug (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1006538) that has been catched (and fixed) in sid.
After all this is just the purpose of sid.


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