Re: Fresh restart? (was: Re: Akonadi database)
On Samstag, 18. November 2017 12:00:06 CET Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Martin Steigerwald - 18.11.17, 11:50:
> > > "sorry, I didn't get my message across. I didn't want to argue about
> > > having a database or not having a database. What I wanted to ask is
> > > it would be possible to "reset" the database as this might be faster
> > > than upgrading + optimizing it several times. I mean, remove it and
> > > let Akonadi rebuild it again."
> >
> > Yes, Frank, that is possible… and it sounds tempting… however…
> [...]
> Okay, I forgot the conclusion:
> If you are willing to fix up folder assignments… and your Akonadi database
> does not have any items without RID, I think opting for a fresh start is a
> viable option…
> … however, what does it buy you?
> After pointing your maildir or IMAP resource at the old location Akonadi
> will resynchronrize and re-index everything. I doubt that this would take
> much less time than the migration process.
thanks for the detailed explanation.
Regarding "what does it buy you": I was basically asking because
akonadictl fsck
reported many (unfix-able) warnings for a KDE environment I was using for
many years (and it was upgraded several times). Unfortunately I cannot
provide the exact warning text as I don't use this box anymore.
Kind regards,
PS: I really wonder why some of my E-mails don't reach the list.
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