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Re: Newer KDEPIM for Jessie

Am Samstag, 18. April 2015, 14:25:35 schrieb Sandro Knauß:
> Hey,
> > I do not want a separate dev environment, but I want to compile
> > selected components of KDE for production use – and maybe also some
> > developing some time. So I want Alt-F2 (or with Plasma 5 Alt-Space)
> > to pick up my self- compiled kmail, while everything else from
> > packaged KDE still working as before, so I do not have to compile all
> > of KDE just to try out a few components in a newer version.
> yeah it is little bit another focus with separating data, but other than
> that the focus is the same. Running apps on top of installed kde/kdepim
> packages.
> The only thing I wanted to point out, that there are more ENV to adjust
> things and you need them :) It also takes a while I found, that this
> and that small thing is loaded incorrectly (desktop files, other data).
> If it works for you at the moment great :) I think because 4.14 is only
> in in bug fixing mode, not so much is changed, and a more minimal
> appoch also works.
> I also started with a more minimal approch and than things got broken,
> so I adjusted the scripts...

Ah, I see, as you wrote already, it is

#Sets all kde related variables (and also resets them"
function setKDEEnv {
    setEnv $envName
    export KDEDIR="$GLOBAL_INSTALL_DIR/$envName"
    export KDEDIRS=$KDEDIR
    export KDEHOME="$GLOBAL_HOME_DIR/.$envName"
    export KDETMP="$GLOBAL_TMP_DIR/$envName-$USER"
    export XDG_DATA_DIRS="$GLOBAL_INSTALL_DIR/$envName/share"
    mkdir -p $KDETMP
    mkdir -p $KDEVARTMP

    export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib/kde4/plugins:


    export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$KDEHOME/.config
    export XDG_DATA_HOME=$KDEHOME/.local/share

you talk about.

And well… I see mostly that XDG stuff missing? But, no… they just point to 
locations I want to keep.

Frankly I don´t see what is missing. Except maybe 
"$KDEDIR/lib/plugins/sqldrivers" for QT_PLUGIN_PATH.

I do not want to change config or tmp paths.

Okay, and maybe:


but I do not see anything in there, that would affect KDEPIM, except for 
some nepomuk stuff that is deprecated I bet.

So, I just still do not get, what I am missing.

$XDG_DATA_DIRS maybe? For icons? Hmmm, okay and desktop files and default 
config files. I think for my slight version change, all that does not really 
matter, but it may be good to include that for completeness.

I just want to know exactly what is missing for my usecase to add *just* 
that. :)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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