Re: Squeeze Konqueror Crashes - Need Debug Symbols
Hi Nick,
Am Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012 schrieb Nick Boyce:
> Likewise, doing :
> # apt-cache search "debug symbols"|grep -i konq
> finds debug symbols for 305 other packages but not Konqueror.
> Can anyone tell me what to install so as to get usable crash dumps so
> as to become able to submit Konqueror bug reports ?
Please note that upstream likely is not interested anymore in bug reports
for such an old version of Konqueror. Cause a bug might already have been
fixed long ago.
So if you find the cause of the crashes I recommend to look at
for a similar backtrace and look whether it is fixed. If the fix is isolated
enough it might be okay to the Debian Qt/KDE team to cherry-pick it for
Squeeze packages. (I do not speak for them so you´d have to ask them.)
Otherwise alternative would be to use Debian Wheezy which is frozen now,
so any really disruptive changes before release are unlikely. Except for
removals of package that do not meet release quality criteria, i.e. have
RC bugs that remained unfixed for a long time.
Third alternative would be to test with Debian Wheezy on another machine –
be it virtual or not – and test for the existence of the crash there as
well. If so report upstream if not already done. Still any fix that KDE
developers provide needs to be backported to Squeeze.
I personally think I would opt for the third one – but beware at least
here Konqueror crashes often at the moment. I did not yet take the tame to
track this down except for the backtrace I provided here for comment.
Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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