Re: Trinity
On July 12, 2012 02:10:33 PM Modestas Vainius wrote:
> Hello,
> On Thursday 12 July 2012 13:55:17 Bruce Sass wrote:
> > > 1) Trinity is not in Debian.
> >
> > True, but it has been packaged for Stable and Oldstable based systems
> > which makes it more likely to eventually appear in Debian than some
> > random piece of source out there.
> FIY, nobody stepped up to take over maintainance of Qt 3 in Debian. So you
> can basically forget about KDE 3.5 at this point.
> > > 2) Trinity is not and has never been KDE despite its origins
> >
> > Despite its orgins as a continuation of the KDE-3.5 codebase, eh. ;)
> Everything about KDE 3.5 is long dead. No matter how good or bad it was,
> its base system (Qt 3) is not supported anymore.
Trinity uses the KDE3.5 code and maintain Qt3 themselves, so it is not long
dead nor unsupported.
> > > So unless any of above changes, this is not a place for "KDE is crap,
> > > Trinity rulez".
> >
> > Nowhere is a good place for: "KDE is crap, Trinity rulez"!
> >
> > However, given Trinity's origins (as KDE-3.5) and goals (be installed
> > alongside and work with KDE-4 and apps), debian-kde is the best place
> > within Debian for someone looking at introducing it into the archive to
> > bring it up--
> We had this "discussion" before. It ended up in trolling and left a bad
> taste for everyone involved.
That is unfortunate. :(
> > this is where the DD/DM expertise wrt KDE-3.5 and 4 resides, and this
> > is the place with the most potential for finding interested users.
> If anyone wanted to bring trinity to Debian, (s)he would have already done
> it. But every maintainer understands that it is impossible to provide good
> packages for outdated and basically abondoned software.
It may be outdated from the perspective of KDE, but if people are working on
it and maintaining its core then it is not abandoned.
> All you do is encourage people to install random packages of bad quality.
> Eventually users will face problems and/or break systems, many have already
> broke.
"random packages of bad quality"... we must be talking about two different
things... I am only considering Trinity--KDE-3.5, bits of KDE-4, and the
toolkit it is built upon--not arbitrary packages which depend on Qt3.
- Bruce
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