Re: Enforcing some KDE configs
> On Tuesday 18 October 2011 01:46:50 Andrew Reid wrote:
> > I thought I could do this by putting the appropriate nepomukserverrc
> > and nepomukstrigirc files in /etc/kde4/share/config
> How about /etc/skel/ ?
> That's the place to configure defaults for new users, so I'm not sure if
> that's sth you can use.
Thanks, that's a good thought -- we have an account template
for new users, and I had forgotten about it.
But, I still need to sovle the problem for existing users
migrating to KDE4 on their new "squeeze" workstations.
Fortunately, by the Power of Posting, I have identified the dumb
thing I was doing -- it turns out I had typo'd the "KDEDIRS"
environment variable in /etc/profile, so the overrides I had
put in /etc/kde4 weren't being used -- if you set the environment
variable correctly, all of a sudden the documentation starts to
make some sense.
The docs are on, btw, and although some of
the pages talk about kde3, they seem to apply to kde4 also.
-- A.
Andrew Reid /
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