Re: Lancelot locks accessing NTFS partition
On 2009-04-08, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <> wrote:
> --nextPart8867051.ICErxcUmm2
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> In <[🔎]>, Manolete, ese artista...=20
> wrote:
>>[I]f you are not sure if it's a problem in the Debian
>>package or in Lancelot itself...
> Then file the bug at the Debian BTS and the maintainer will forward it to=20
> upstream if necessary. (Of course, only to this is you are willing to work=
> with the maintainer to correctly resolve the bug.)
In perfect world, yes, but we are far too low on manpower to be
proxy for bug communication between user and upstream.
(And I have no ntfs partitions, and no wish to get one)
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