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Re: network configuration

On Fri, April 21, 2006 5:30 am, Felix Homann wrote:
> (I would *not* recommend to use the new configuration scheme proposed
> by the wpa_supplicant maintainers. It's not useful for a system in
> changing environments. Use the "old" or "deprecated" init script.
> There's currently a lot of discussion about this on the respective
> mailing list.)

Oh good, so I'm not the only one who can't stand the
"new-world-order".  Putting everything into the interfaces file breaks
all the nice, automatic, "it-just-works" configs I had.  Took me
almost three days to get things to a semi-functional,
"works-with-1-network" state using the interfaces file. 
Unfortunately, this was a new install of Kubuntu Dapper which does not
have any of the deprecated scripts lying around.  :(

What is it with Linux devs that they have to change everything that
works to something that barely works for the next three releases?  Why
can't they just keep the things that work?  wpa_supplicant has been
running perfectly on all my FreeBSD systems for almost a year now, and
is now broken on all my Linux systems.

Freddie Cash, LPCI-1 CCNT CCLP        Helpdesk / Network Support Tech.
School District 73                    (250) 377-HELP [377-4357]

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