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Re: Korganizer's printed calendars do not fit on a page

Am Donnerstag, 16. März 2006 16:54 schrieb Alex Nordstrom:
> > Upstreams does not look at the Debian BTS, so where's the gain?
> Let me count the ways:
>  - It is non-trivial for users to determine whether a bug is an upstream
>    bug or one caused by distribution-specific modifications or packaging

Maybe. There is not standard way for patching packages, maybe that should be 
changed so that it's possible to easily test an unpatch upstream software?

>  - It is easier for the package maintainer to determine whether the bug
>    was introduced by the distribution-specific activities than it is for
>    the upstream maintainer to do so (particularly if users report bugs
>    directly to upstream and fail to mention that they are using a
>    downstream binary)

Same as above, just a different point of view.

>  - Users can't always judge whether or not a bug is release-critical,
>    and if it is, Debian should know about it, which they might not if
>    BDO is bypassed

That would be right for RC bugs but not most of the bugs in the Debian BTS.

>  - It is unreasonable to expect users to find, familiarise themselves
>    with, and in many cases register for the upstream BTS of every
>    piece of software that they use (in other words, the centralised BTS
>    is an extension of centralised package management)

Finding is _very_ easy with KDE :)
They use Bugzilla like many others, so that's no problem either.
The need to register for the KDE BTS is really bad but Konqueror can handle 
that nicely (you don't have to remember the login data).

>  - Many upstream maintainers won't even touch bugs from reporters who
>    don't use upstream software

Moreover, they insist that they use the latest version. Not a bad idea and if 
it is already fixed in a new version (or a working CVS), it is a good point 
to target the Debian BTS.

>  - Package maintainers generally have more experience in creating
>    effective reports containing the information their associated
>    upstream maintainer will be looking for

They may have good relations to upstream authors but maintainers may have 
better things to do than filing bugs for others.


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