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Re: backports of latest kde to stable 3.1?

Am Mittwoch, 14. September 2005 08.10 schrieb Christof Hurschler:
> Thanks,
> I guess I'd like to know more concreteley what types of problems could
> occur.   Will apt install libraries on an otherwise Sarge system, during a
> KDE upgrade for instance, that could break the system?
The first and most obvious problem will simply be dependency conflicts. Some 
package depends on a central library whose version is only available in SID. 
If that library is not compatible with the apps in Sarge which depend on the 
older version, you will have to use the SID Version of all these application, 
which tends to pull in more and more libraries which then aggravate the 
problem instead of actually solving it.

The main problem with that is that the system tends towards SID, i.e. in the 
long run it will have more and more SID packages installed, which usually 
isn't the point of running Sarge with SID "addons" in the first place.

The next "stage" of this problem is, when the dependencies don't catch the 
problem, because of differences in Sarge/SID, and you end up with 
incompatible libraries installed, which then usually causes random programs 
not to work, which cannot be the point of actually running "stable"...

When Woody really started to "grow old" we found on www.debianforum.de that 
more and more people started to "mix and match" and ran Woody+Sarge. We 
actually partially encouraged people to do so, if they needed more up-to-date 
software. But as it turned out after some time we found that about 30-40% of 
all new threads in the forum revolved around problems which directly resulted 
from the Woody+Sarge mix. usually doing a little cleanup and lifting the 
system completely to sarge (which was in testing at that time) solved the 

In my opinion, if you really need more up-to-date software, either run 
sarge+backports (and choose those backports wisely, as diferent backports can 
conflict with each other) or directly run Etch (Security Support for 
Etch/testing has just been announced...)

> I have a partition image of my system at Sarge state, so that I can go back
> in a matter of minutes if things get screwed up.
Which *always* is a sane thing to have...

Patrick Dreker

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