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Re: shrink-to-fit in kprinter or kghostview?

Sunday, 23 October 2005 11:35, Silvan wrote:
> I've got some PDF scores I bought and downloaded.  They were done
> using a "universal" page size that isn't US Letter and isn't A4, but
> somewhere in the middle of both.  The notey bits are perfectly
> legible, but the titles and footers are getting cut off slightly.  It
> also confuses my printer, and causes me to do some annoying manual
> twiddling to coax it into doing the job.

Sounds like it might be PA4 (210 * 280 mm, known as "universal" in tools 
like htmldoc), which is designed to fit on either standard A4 or US 
letter size paper (it uses the smaller respective value of the two 
formats for its height and width). This is the format used by the Linux 
Documentation Project, for example. Of course, your printer's margins 
for any given paper size may be different from what the document's 
designer expected.

> One of the pages in the score itself admonishes me to "Be sure to use
> the 'shrink to fit' option," but I can find no such thing in
> KGhostView, or any of the standard KDE apps, or KPrinter.

I'm not sure about the KDE utilities, but pdftops (note that this is 
different and generally superior to pdf2ps) of the xpdf-utils package 
allows you to specify height and width values so that you can choose 
ones that are within the range of what your printer can handle. Its 
default behaviour is to scale the page accordingly rather than to crop.

Alex Nordstrom
Please do not CC me in followups; I am subscribed to debian-kde.

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