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Re: SV: Problems with kaffeine (no, I don't have sid here!)

Matej Cepl wrote:
> It is getting more and more strange -- I have compiled sid package (0.7.1)
> from incoming.debian.org, everything went smoothly, but I still cannot
> play http://www.wbur.org/listen/feed/shoutcast.pls, although apparently
> kaffeine is able to decipher, that what it really needs to play is
> http://wbur-sc.streamguys.com:80/. When I put the latter URL into
> kaboodle, then even that is able to play that stream. It really doesn't
> make a sense to me.

OK, I think I've got it: mplayer maintainers decided that some codecs are
not that essential and removed from essential-20050412.tar.bz2 package many
older codecs, which are unfortunately exactly those which kaffeine wants to
use (e.g., cook.so.6.0 -- mplayer probably survives with cook.so, but
that's apparently not good enough for libxine 1.0.1). When I installed
package, things improved immensly both WBUR (shown above) and BBC now
works. BTW, the same question was answered on
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/355189 .



Matej Cepl, http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/
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