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Re: Can we lose the 'KDE is cool' blurb, please

On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

I recently wondered what kooka was and entered 'apt-cache show kooka'.  It
tells me how cool KDE is, but only at the end do I see what kooka is.  Same
with all (most?) other KDE packages.

Can we lose that 'KDE is cool' blurb in every package description, please
(except in the kde metapackage obviously and probably the kdebase/kdelibs
packages.) It doesn't add any relevant information and makes it harder to
locate the information which I actually want to see.

(Or if not, please also add a 'Debian is cool' blurb at the top of every
package description ;-)
(No, I'll not file 264 wishlist bugs now :-)

I guess, If you want to help, you can make one big patch against each KDE CVS module that removes the blurb, since AFAIK Debian has it's /debian directory included upstream in the KDE CVS. I'm pretty sure some generous hero (some of the DD's problably have a write all account) will apply it, since it's pretty trivial to do so.

  Tomas Pospisek
  http://sourcepole.com -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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