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Re: Translucent Menus

Alle 01:18, sabato 12 giugno 2004, Bob Hauck ha scritto:
> I believe this started after updating on June 10.  I'm running KDE
> 3.2.2 from Sid.  Has anybody else seen  this?  Should I file a bug
> against something (what)?

I apologize for my poor english

I have installed the new kdelibs packages from
the bug (#252969) that concerned menus and icons is not go away.
So, i make a workaround for this:

HOME/tmpdir $ wget http://ftp.it.debian.org/debian/pool/main/k/

HOME/tmpdir # dpkg -x kdelibs4_3.2.2-2_i386.deb HOME/tmpdir

HOME/tmpdir/usr/lib # 
mv /usr/lib/libkdefx.so.4.2.0 /usr/lib/libkdefx.so.4.2.0~

HOME/tmpdir/usr/lib # cp libkdefx.so.4.2.0 /usr/lib/

I know, it's really dirty, but it's work for me.

Marco Valli - Allergico alla Legge
Running Debian GNU/Linux
http://www.filiarmonici.org - per un mondo senza galere

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