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Re: Debian KDE 3 packages using a different kde_htmldir

Ralf Nolden writes:

  Ralf> export kde_htmldir=/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML
  >> >> I suppose I have to tell all Debian users to export this
  >> before >> configuring then ?
  Ralf> Then please turn to debian-devel and ask there to change their
  Ralf> standards to allow a global HTML directory in /usr/share/doc.
  >> Hmm.. I see..  Still, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for
  >> the kde build system to change the defaults for the dirs on
  >> debian ?  Do you think this would be a good idea ?

  Ralf> You have to do that because /usr is used as a prefix. With
  Ralf> e.g. SuSE using /opt/kde3 as a prefix this problem doesn't
  Ralf> happen. It wouldn't happen either if kde was installed into
  Ralf> /usr/local/kde or /usr/kde.  Of course then you're running
  Ralf> into all sorts of different problems.

No, that's not the problem.  The problem is in the patch
kdelibs.dirs.patch that only Debian applies.  It makes it such that
for any given prefix ( whether it is /usr, /usr/local or
/usr/local/kde doesn't matter ), it expects the documentation to be in
"$prefix/share/doc/kde/HTML/" instead of "$prefix/share/doc/HTML".
This is purely Debian's "fault", and it doesn't happen on SuSE because
they don't mess with this..  

I understand though that Debian has had to move their documentation to
this location, and has had to make sure that the KDE KStandardDirs
still found it by applying the patch, however, what imho should have
been done, in order to keep third party apps working, was that the
KStandardDirs patch should have made sure that the old location (
"$prefix/share/doc/HTML" ) was also searched..

However, the damage is probably already done, since all previous KDE
versions in Debian have had the patch applied, so I'm going to make a 
patch for the KDE build system that makes it install HTML
documentation in $prefix/share/doc/kde/HTML by default..


Grief can take care of itself; but to get the full value of a joy you must
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		-- Mark Twain

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