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Debianizing Debian's GNOME/KDE a bit more

Hello people,

I've been playing with desktop-base and Colin Walters gave the package
to me. I'm thinking where should it go to accomplish its goals.

I would like to have comments on the approach I'm using and if it's
too intrusive, and how we can colaborate. I'm more into GNOME, and
would like to have someone who deals with KDE close to me on this
task, as if I understand it correctly, the package is to serve both
desktops (and more, who knows).

My current work is here:


It surely has problems (It's probably not going to work alright if
gnome-session is not installed, I guess... should fix it soon). 

What do you think?


kov@debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian:  <http://www.debian.org>  *  <http://www.debian-br.org>
  "Não deixe para amanhã, o WML que você pode traduzir hoje!"

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