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Triple success with hobbiton packages


I've head basically success with three computers until now with orth's
packages from hobbiton.opendoorsoftware.com. The documentation on the
website is accurate and works but for a couple minor things:

- remember to remove "Default-Release" commands from your apt.conf and
  apt.conf.d/* files, and "/etc/apt/preferences".

- there were a couple *.so files that were duplicates in two packages,
  unfortunately I didn't script the session so I can't remember which
  files conflicted. (I think it was keramik)

Other than that and the kicker Xinerama issuse, I didn't find anything
wrong yet. The build also feels noticeably FASTER than my former kde
3.0.5 installation from download.kde.org.

So, guys&gals - give it a try, you have until christmas to find your
favorite showstopper ! :-)

mfg, Jens Benecke  /// http://www.linuxfaq.de, http://www.linux.ms
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