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Removal of KDE


I just stumbled with installing KDE 3.1. Just inserting the apt.sources line 
and running apt-get dist-upgrade was way too brutal for apt to handle. While 
clearing up all the mess (I hadn't done a dist-upgrade for some time and apt 
downloaded more than 300 packages, also trying to upgrade my KDE 3.0.3 
version.) I deinstalled all my KDE packages by typing apt-get remove kdelibs, 
getting a looong list of unmet dependancies and building a long apt-get 
remove line. Then I installed kde-3.1 and it worked. But removing those 
packages was really a pain...

Reading apt-get's manpage I found no option to remove the given package and 
all packages depending on that. Does such a thing exist?

Something like "apt-get --with-all-depending-packages kdelibs" would be a 
great help.

(This should be at least loosely related to debian-kde as it is for removing 

Thomas Ritter

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