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Re: kde 3.0.3: problem with Chinese characters

Yang Shouxun wrote:
Besides the problem reported about konqueor web browser, I come across other problems as well. KDE 2.2.x do not have any of these problems.

I'm using KDE 3.0.3 with kde-i18n-zhcn i18n package and set the language encoding to gb2312. All KDE apps correctly show the Chinese strings that come with the software via the i18n functions, but Chinese texts in other places, that is, data that the apps process, cannot be correctly displayed, including copy and paste from non-kde apps (copy correctly displayed Chinese webpage in Konqueror works) and file browsing in konqueror (Chinese file names displayed incorrectly in Konqueror, though the Chinese strings for file type are correct, since they are i18n strings).

The KDE apps do not know what fonts to display the texts with. This seems to be a configuration problem, but I don't think I did anything wrong.

I read the debian-faq-zh-s and tried its solution: add a ~/.xsession with the following as its content and solved the problem at last.
export LANG=zh_CN.GB2312
export LC_ALL=zh_CN.GB2312
export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.GB2312
export KDE_LANG=zh_CN.GB2312
export XMODIFIERS=@im=Chinput
exec kde3

Note that the problem with Konqueor web browser remains unsolved.

These variables are set and exported in ~/.bashrc, which is sourced in ~/.bash_profile, but KDE 3.0.3 started from KDM seems not using them.

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