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Re: kde 3.0.3, compiled for woody

> Um, I think we'd really need some koffice debs too - KDE loses a huge
> feature without Koffice.

If anyone's planning on building woody packages for koffice, as well as
kdeedu, kdesdk, kdetoys, kdeaddons or kdeartwork, please be aware that
you should be pulling from CVS BRANCH and not just using the source
tarballs available at ftp.org.  The debian packaging for these modules
is always kept up to date in CVS, but (certainly until kde3 hits sid) is
often done after the source tarballs have been made.

> Or can existing Koffice 1.1 compiled for KDE 2.2.2 run on top of KDE
> 3.0.3 ?

No, although there is a koffice branch in KDE CVS for building koffice
1.1 under kde3.  The debian packaging for this branch is *not*
up-to-date in CVS since debian packages for koffice 1.2 are available
under kde3 anyway.


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