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KDE-Debian HowTo for KDE2 & Debian3=Woody X86. Ver 0.1

KDE-Debian HowTo for KDE2 & Debian3=Woody X86.  Ver 0.1

I debated with myself about whether to put this on the list.
On one hand, it is a _very_ early/partial version.
On the other hand, it has enough info to be of use to someone.
The other hand won.

I currently do not have enough time to answer questions about
KDE or Debian, or even various ways to accomplish the tasks described

I do welcome info about this document.  If you have any corrections,
or suggestions about it, please send them to me - these I will make
time to answer, if necessary.

This document is in a very early version, and there will be addditions
and changes.

I have done (most) of the actions described here,
so you have that assurance that (most of) these procedures have worked for
someone.  Many descriptions here are likely from other people (thanks to
them!).  I may have misinterpreted those descriptions, so that's a
possible source of error.

Part of this is created from my not immediately recent
memory, so there might be something incorrect there.  I will attempt
to update this document as I personally redo installs, etc, if I notice
anything that could be improved.

The title of this document includes "X86".  That is because I have done
these procedures on that processor.  In general, I suspect these
procedures will usually apply for other processors.


1) Quick summary of install instructions
2) Finding KDE SW
3) Installing KDE
     Install Debian
     Install X
     Install KDE
     Some things to set up in KDE
4) Printing & PDF/Postscript
5) CD Writing
6) Sound - drivers, kernel compiling, mp3
7) Video - MPEG & AVI & Quicktime


1) Quick summary of install instructions

For those who don't want to RTFM, here's a quick overview:

***** Installing KDE:
Install Debian		;http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/i386/install
tasksel install X	;use simple config - monitor #"
apt-get update		;Update the list of available packages
apt-get upgrade		;Upgrade all packages to the latest available
script			;Optional: Record a text file of what happens
apt-get -s install kdebase	;Optional: Simulate the install
apt-get install kdebase		;This is the real deal.
exit			;Only if did 'script'.  Saves file 'typescript'
mv typescript typescript.000.txt	;Optional: Rename avoids overwrite

***** Printing & PDF/Postscript
apt-get install cupsys	;CUPS= Common Linux Printing System.  Server.
apt-get install cupsys-client	;Client
apt-get install kdelibs3-cups	;KDE 2.2.2+ Control center printer config
				;and enables printing from KDE aps

apt-get install cupsys-driver-gimpprint	;Optional: more printer drivers
apt-get install cupsomatic-ppd	;Optional: more printer drivers?
apt-get install cupsys-bsd	;Optional: fakes the usual comands to use
	;the cups printer system.  With it you can say "lpr -Pprinter
	;printer_fiel.ps" and everything works. You also get lpq and lprm.
apt-get install cupsys-pstoraster	;?
apt-get install gs-aladdin	;? Non-free. More recent than gs
				;and contains more drivers
http://mumford1.dyndns.org/~bs7452/linuxhelp/cups.html	;Other CUPS info

apt-get install aee	;Optional: Easy/simple editor for text mode display
edit /etc/groups	;At end of the lpdamin line add the names of all
			;users you want to be able to modify printer configs
/etc/init.d/cupsys restart	;Restart the printer server
http://localhost:631		;Log in as a user you added above
  select admin, add printer, name location, etc		;Printer setup
    printer brand, driver (try simplest in the list) color/bwb dpi
  select test page print	;Verify printer works
Konq - print a page		;Try printing from a program
kprinter  docname.pdf		;Used to print a page.

***** kghostview
apt-get install kghostview	;GUI interface Postscript/PDF view/print
apt-get install gs		;Optional: Ghostscript

cd writer

sound - alsa? opensound?
(have to get & compile kernel?)

mpg player
other kde media player?
avi player?


2) Finding KDE Software

Ways (other than asking someone, like in the debian-kde list) to find,
on one's own, the appropriate sw to use under the KDE system:

tucows.com has linux sw

apt-cache search kde | less
apt-cache search pdf | grep -i kde
apt-cache show kghostview
apt-cache show kdebase
apt-cache showpkg kdebase


Thanks to: David Bishop, Jason Boxman, Jens Benecke, the debian-kde list,
and others.

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