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Re: Shared libs, moduledir

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On Monday 06 August 2001 07:18 pm, Michael Schuerig wrote:
> Ah, I see. But I don't think this is necessary as with KDEDIRS one can
> achieve the same. In my case, KDEDIRS is set to /usr/local:/usr and
> ~$ kde-config -path module
> -> /home/michael/.kde/lib/kde2/:/usr/local/lib/kde2/:/usr/lib/kde2/
> Up until now, I *thought* /usr/local/lib/kde2 wasn't searched for
> modules (my own kio-slave, in particular). But now I think, the real
> problem was that I probably forgot to call ksycoca after installing
> when I tried it earlier. Sigh.

Hmm. I've tried KDEDIRS and it seems to work.
orion:exa$ echo $KDEDIRS
orion:exa$ kde-config -path apps
orion:exa$ kde-config -path module
orion:exa$ kde-config -path lib

I was starting a kicker applet:
|-- bin
|-- lib
|   |-- kde2
|   |-- libhandsavior.la
|   |-- libhandsavior.so -> libhandsavior.so.1.0.0
|   |-- libhandsavior.so.1 -> libhandsavior.so.1.0.0
|   `-- libhandsavior.so.1.0.0
`-- share
    |-- applnk
    |   `-- Applications
    |-- apps
    |   |-- kicker
    |   |   `-- applets
    |   |       `-- handsavior.desktop
    |   `-- ksetiwatch
    |       `-- pics
    |-- doc
    |   `-- HTML
    |       `-- en
    |-- icons
    |   `-- locolor
    |       |-- 16x16
    |       |   `-- apps
    |       `-- 32x32
    |           `-- apps
    `-- locale
        |-- de
        |   `-- LC_MESSAGES
        `-- hr
            `-- LC_MESSAGES

Do you have any idea why this applet might not show in kicker applets menu, 
or if there is a CLI equivalent of doing that?


- -- 
Eray Ozkural (exa) <erayo@cs.bilkent.edu.tr>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www: http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~erayo
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