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Re: assertion failure with new KDE packages?

> I just did a dselect update/install on my machine, which is running potato
> plus several extra apt sources.  Here is my sources.list; note especially
> the XFree86 4.02 packages and the 2.4 kernel support packages:


> dpkg: /home/wichert/debian/dpkg-1.6.15/main/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.

this basically means "dependency loop".  it crops up once in a while especially
with how the qt packages are done...

libqt2-gl replaces libqt2
libqt2-gl conflicts with libqt2  (that way libqt2 will get removed if your
going from non-gl to gl...gotta make sure the next update won't reverse
your decision)
libqt2-gl provides libqt2  

on ocasion dpkg get's confused. I've never bothered to do much more about it
as it's only been reported twice (this is the second time I've heard about
it)..and the first time was when I first created the -gl package and had the
replaces/conflicts/provides in a different order.....plus this only *seems*
to be a problem with potato users...so I'm thinking the newer dpkg does
a better job handling this...



Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

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