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2.1 updates and the like

ok..so some info about the new packages...  some things are changing and
I want to let people know before I get bug reports. :)

task-kde and task-kde-devel are the only task packages that will exist as
of the 2.1 packages.  If anyone has been keeping up on the task pacakge
debates and whatnot you will understand that the current method of handling
tasks is messy.  The KDE tasks (IMO) are nasty and can in some circumstances
lead to problems.  I also did some thinking that they were not really doing
what a task was meant to do.  So...I have cleaned up task-kde and task-kde-devel
and belive that the results best represent true tasks.  task-kde will install
a KDE environment (does not include  games and toys) without forcing one to
install things like ppp or ftpd.  They make use of Recommends and Suggests so
that within deslect or other tools one can see most of the kde* packages.  The
task-kde-devel package *should* install all of the basic packages needed to
build kde based programs.  (Please let me know if I am missing anything in

QT has had a major overhaul.  With the release of QT 2.2.3 I have taken the
opportunity to start from scratch...well, for the most part.  Using the old
build scripts as a guide and using debhelper I have re-written the debian
rules script and I think I've done a really good job on it. <patting myself
on the back> :)  Those of you who create personal builds at home should
be aware of the debian/patches subdirectory which contains all of the i18n
patches that I apply to QT.  If you don't install at least the *noxim* patch 
things will error out...(currently only kdebase)  This version of QT also
includes some new binaries out of the tools suite.  

koffice and kdetoys have not been released as beta1 yet.  kdetoys is considered
unchanged currently (even though it builds ktux by default).  ktux is not
ready for release so they are just saying nothing has changed...koffice
is still being worked on...For those of you who use it you will know that the
filters still need quite a bit of work...well that work is taking longer
than hoped so the beta1 release of koffice has been pushed back...it'll be
released when it's ready. :)  Also kivio has been added to koffice.

I have added libaps to the kdesupport pacakges..or rather I have made it so
that kdesupport builds it.  libaps is a printer database type thing supporting
a *ton* of printers.  I really don't know what use we have for it yet but I
am preparing for the future. It's a support app which Debian did not have so...

Other new apps:  noatun (media player..still working out bugs)
                 kjezz (new game which I'm getting hooked on)
                 kwin4 (another new game..haven't looked at it yet)
                 lilo-config (RedHat's lilo configuration tool - looks nice)
I have also broken out arts from kdelibs (libarts and libarts-dev)..this will
allow non-kde apps to use artsd without having to install kdelibs (and allow
those developers to keep the install size of their system down)...I mainly 
thought of this after someone mentioned that there were talks about gnome 
moveing from esd to arts...either way I thought it was a good move.

I'm also using mpeglib from the upstream site and not out of kdemultimedia. The
main reason for this is that the orig.tar.gz from upstream builds with
ogg/vorbis support where as the stuff in kdemult doesn't (tho it's supposed
to be the same stuff)...sooo..I broke that off...if that status changes at
some point I'll move it all back..but for now, I wanna play .ogg files with
kaiman. :)

Also, those of you who upgrade may need to logout and log back into KDE..the
main reason is to restart artsd (or you can manually restart it)...just a 
weirdity I've seen...noatun barfs (or did on my system).

let me think...

oh...libmime1 has been renamed to libmimelib1 to match the library name.

Ivan E. Moore II
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