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Re: What I need for my kids

Am 2006-11-11 17:32:56, schrieb Andrew Sackville-West:
> heh heh. I'll do what I can, which isn't much, but I've got a crufty
> old box that I"m in process on redoing and could dedicate it for
> testing stuff. Hopefully there are some suitable icons out there
> already that could be recombined/resized meaningfully. I'll poke at
> it, but I've not much time at the moment. :(

Do you need 64x64 pixel Icons?

I have uploaded a realy huge package named "tdicons" to
<mentors.debian.net> which contain 314 Icons in 16x16,
32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 pixels.

Oh, I am working on the Package since many of the Icons
are created of my own and I am in work of new Icons for
Kids since I need it for some Apps in Moroco, Turkey and
Iran where I am working on several projects.

> haven't seen it, but will look... okay, just a quick glance, but it
> looks good. could we create a dpkg-reconfigure situation for some deb
> meta package that would allow selecting an age level for the overall
> package? even zero in on which users get what setup? and then put in
> simple .xsessions or appropriate configs so that each kids account
> creates a different session? configure for 1-3 yr olds would launch a
> windowless/full-screen gcompris, 3-5 yr old would get a big puffy icon
> set with desktop links to gcompris, but other freestanding stuff
> too... 6-10 yr olds get a simplified but full-featured desktop etc etc .

I have done thie with a simpel GTK box which appear in the middle
of the screen and then you can select between the range of the age.

The kids in moroco have learned very fast, that with "Level 3" they
can not do anything, since it is too complicate.  The next time they
choosen only "Level 2" or ""Level 1".

Oh, I run this script from the ~/.xsession and set only the
${FVWM_USERDIR} variable to load the right config

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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