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Re: What I need for my kids

>>>>> "BA" == Ben Armstrong <synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca> writes:

    BA> I wonder if an extremely simple wm that makes efficient use of
    BA> screenspace and user input, such as one designed for a handheld
    BA> device might be suitable for very young kids.  I know of
    BA> matchbox.  Want to give that a try?

Well, one of the rare window managers I'm able to safely use without
being guided :-), is ratpoison.  As I just look for a desktop
environment suitable for PDA, I'll look at matchbox too, thanks for
mentioning it.

Nevertheless I think setting up a safe and easy to use wm is easier than
finding out a safe application, the problem being that applications
typically provide a lot of key/mouse commands without obvious way to
disable them.  But I should look at gcompris first before thinking about
this further.


Milan Zamazal


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