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Re: Easy installer for the x86

On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 05:28:29PM -0500, patrick wrote:
> Good Afternoon Ben,

Good day, Patrick,

> Why is it difficult to develop a decent easy installer for the x86?

I assume you mean for Debian in general?  I hope you realize that this
project, Debian Jr., is not directly concerned with creating an installer
for x86 or for any platform for that matter, although we would certainly
welcome, and benefit from an improved installer.  It is my understanding
that the debian-installer team is working on a general solution that
addresses all architectures and is not x86-specific.  I understand this is
not an easy problem, but I also understand that it is important for Debian
to remain committed to providing cross-platform solutions.  I have tried the 
early betas of this installer and it looks quite promising.

> If I am asking the wrong individual, please refer me to the appropriate
> person in charge of answering these types of questions.

The question is off-topic for this list, and besides, does not appear to be 
well-researched enough, nor articulately expressed enough to be appropriate 
for any Debian development list.  So I am hesitant to redirect you 
elsewhere.  Instead, I will attempt to help you more clearly state your 

> I am willing to lend my support in this phase of development.

You should start by researching more thoroughly the efforts already underway 
in Debian to improve our installer, and not assume nobody cares about the 
problem.  Visit lists.debian.org, browse through the various development 
list archives, and see what has already been said about Debian's installer.

> Good software should operate seemingly bug free.

This is a motherhood statement.  I cannot conceive of anyone disagreeing 
with this.

> This is a topic that few programmers are willing to discuss, when dealing
> with these issues.

I am baffled.  What topic?  Which issues?  That good software ought to be
bug-free?  I doubt if you'd get any argument against this from any random
sampling of programmers either inside or outside of Debian.

If you have particular problems with the Debian installer, be direct.

> It's time to stop pointing fingers and just develop robust code, to coin 
> a phrase.

Who is pointing fingers?  Who is avoiding developing robust code?  You are 
making unsupported generalizations.

> Thank you for your time in reading this email.

Thanks for your attempt to share your problem with us.  Please try again,
and this time, in particular let us know how all of this relates to Debian
Jr., a project to make Debian an operating system that children prefer over
the alternatives.  Or if you find another, more appropriate list to post to,
please research the efforts already underway, think through carefully what
you want to say, and then be direct and clear in delivering your problem
statement and proposed solution.

Ben Armstrong, Debian Jr. project leader
 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
 \`'  Debian   http://www.debian.org    synrg@debian.org
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